Practice Analytics: Overview

Version 21.3


Path: Tools > Reporting

The Practice Analytics module offers a collection of reports and dashboards to make information easier to read and more interactive. You can now find a visual summary at the beginning of most reports to easily make sense of the information presented by them. Features like drilling down and applying filters are a couple of clicks away. You can interact with the information to focus on specific indicators and then export the result or save your changes without altering the original report using bookmarks. This article will go over:


OP's Practice Analytics are made up of dozens of user-friendly reports and dashboards, and they offer the insights your practice needs: neatly packaged and easily accessible, all from one centralized location.

While various reports in OP have been centralized under Practice Analytics, the originals will continue to exist under each of their respective areas; however there are several advantages to using Practice Analytics, including less clicks to access the data you need, the ability to drill-down into data, and more:

Security Permissions and Setup Requirements

In order to access the Practice Analytics module, the user must meet the following requirements:

  • Have the Tools_Reporting permission. Follow these steps to grant the permission
    1. Go to Admin > Security Administration.
    2. Select the user from the left column.
    3. Select the Tools_Reporting permission.
    4. Grant the permission by clicking the Left Arrow  button.
    5. Click Close.
  • Have an email set up. Follow these steps to set the user's email:
    1. Go to Practice Management > Staff/Providers.
    2. Enter the search criteria in the Staff Search field.
    3. Click Search.
    4. Select the user from the left column.
    5. Click the Address Book  button.
    6. Go to the Address tab.
    7. Enter the Email address 1 if necessary.
  • If you are an On-Premise Practice:
    1. OP must be on version 21.3.53 or above.
    2. Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime application must be installed on all workstations. See this article for more information on installing.

Report Categories

You can find the Practice Analytics Module in Tools > Reporting. OP shows a categorized list of reports with the following categories:

  • Scheduling Reports
  • Daily Reports
  • Daysheet Dependent
  • Monthly Reports
  • Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis
  • Historical AR Aging Analysis
  • Analytics

You can switch between report and dashboard tabs either by clicking the Report and Financial Analytics buttons respectively at the top, or clicking the tabs at the bottom. Dashboards are a paid feature, however, a free dashboard is available under the Analytics category in the Reports tab. If you want to unlock other dashboards for your practice, contact your account manager.

The Financial Analytics tab, available as a contracted feature, contains the following categories:

  • Appointment Dashboards
  • Worklist Dashboard
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • General Dashboards

Report Layout

The information displayed when selecting a report depends on its type:

  • Summarized Report: Displays a summary of the report with KPIs and, in some cases, a graph above of the detailed data pivot table. (All reports from the Appointment Dashboards and Worklist Dashboard categories except for Daysheet Log.)
  • Table-only Report: Displays the report data in a pivot table. (All reports under Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis and Daysheet Log.)
  • Dashboard: Displays a summary with totals and graphs without the pivot table. 

At the top of the report, for summarized and overview reports, OP shows a series of dropdowns containing a list of checkboxes to filter the summary section as well as a home button to return to the report categorized list page.

Report summary with filter dropdowns

The Detailed Report section shows all available columns with relevant data. Users have the ability to move and hide columns - see the Visualization section of the Maximized Elements article for more information.

Report detailed data table

Learn More

To learn how to add filters to individual elements and more regarding the elements contained in the tiles, see the Data Element Tutorial article.

Additionally, see how every report compares with previous instances in the New Billing Reports Comparison article.