Notifications from the OP Portal


Notifications in the portal for Parent/Guardians, Staff, and Providers are turned on to notify the appropriate person about changes to Medical Records, Appointment Status, Messages, and more. You can update the notifications received for each of these sections, as well as the role type receiving the notification.

For example, if you want parents to receive notifications for Appointment status changes, but not every time their Medical Record is updated (eg adding a Condition or a documented Allergy), then you can go into the Admin side of the OP Portal and turn off notifications for the Patient Role for Medical Records. You can also select the type of notification for each role to receive, such as email notifications, portal notifications, or mobile notifications. You would have worked with OP to initially identify the type and amount of notifications in your implementation, but below are instructions for changing those if needed.

Enable or Disable Notifications

To turn notifications on or off:

  1. From the navigation menu on the left, select Settings.
  2. Click on Notifications.
  3. Click on the drop-down field for the Role and select the user type you want to modify.
  4. Select the notification type you want to change (left side of window in image below).
  5. Check or uncheck the notifications you choose (right side of window in image below).

  1. Click Save.
  2. Repeat as necessary for each role and notification type you want to update the notifications for.

Edit the Content in a Notification

  1. From Settings > Notifications, select the Role.
  2. Click the Edit Notifications button.
  3. Choose the options from the drop-down field Type and Platform.
  4. Fill out the Subject and Content in both English and Spanish.
  5. Click Save when finished.

Provider Specific Notifications (Unread Email Notifications)

In order for providers to receive Unread Email Notifications, an administrator must enable this feature for the practice.
  1. From Settings > Notifications, select the Role as Provider.
  2. Click on the checkboxes for the Messages that were not read in 48/72 hours.

If Unread Email Notifications are turned on for your practice, each individual provider can choose whether or not to receive the notifications:

  1. From the provider's profile, select your name, then click Profile.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. If you don't want to received email notifications, toggle No next to the Email notifications request.

  1. Click Save.