Remote Scan is a utility used to scan directly into OP. While it is not the only method used for scanning into the Cloud, it is the utility most recommended to handle the scanning of small registration documents (such as single-page documents, insurance cards, IDs, etc.) for quick entry. It is installed on behalf of the client during the Cloud installation process. Remote Scan requires licenses that are included in the contract (typically 2 licenses per location). The license is tied to the MAC Address of the computer where the utility is installed. It is possible to have more than one scanner connected to a single licensed Remote Scan Server.
To allow the Remote Scan application to scan more pages into the Cloud, some settings can be adjusted in the Basic tab of System Preferences. Any changes made to the System (Global) Preferences require a log out of the application for the changed setting to take effect. The alternative (and our recommendation for best practice when scanning large volumes) is to scan to a secure shared drive or folder and import the items into OP. Bringing in large medical records or anything more than 5 pages is best done by using the import function. This allows the user to index the item into the patient's chart more efficiently which also allows for quicker reference in the future.
The Remote Scan is also using bandwidth to pull those documents into the Cloud. The larger and more content-rich the document, the heavier it is on the office’s internal network. In short, if you want to scan large, multi-page documents, we suggest using the import function. Regardless, adjusting the mono-chrome settings should allow you to pull more pages.
Click here for information on install and licensing for RemoteScan.