Clinical Work: Encounters

Version 20.18

This window map article points out some of the important aspects of the window you're working with in OP but is not intended to be instructional. To learn about topics related to using this window, see the Related Articles section at the bottom of this page.

About Clinical Work: Encounters

Path: Main Navigation Panel > Encounters

The Encounters window displays the Encounter Notes for visits that are not finalized by a Provider by a selected date range. 

Clinical Work: Encounters Map

1Encounters tabThe Encounters tab of the Clinical Work window. The count represents the number of open Encounters according to the Scope parameters set at the top. 
Scope, Date, and Confidential parameters
  • Scope radio buttons are used to determine whose open Encounters are displayed in the grid. Users must have Messaging_Allow_View_All_Messages permission in their profile to see the Scope field.
  • Dates radio buttons are used to determine the open Encounters that are displayed in the grid.
  • The Include EFR checkbox can be selected to include confidential Encounters in the grid.
3Function buttons

The following function buttons are available in the Encounters tab of the Clinical Work window. To activate the buttons, one or more Encounter checkboxes must be selected.

  • Edit: Opens the selected Encounter, where the Provider can make edits
  • Finalize: Approves and locks the selected Encounter. Once the note has been finalized it cannot be changed. An addendum can be created, edited, and viewed in the Addenda tab to add information to the Encounter. The user approving the finalized note will appear in the Note Finalized by field of the Encounter. If a Provider is attempting to finalize Encounters in bulk, the respective checkboxes for the Encounters must be selected to include them in the bulk finalization. Each Encounter included in the bulk operation will reflect that the Encounter was part of bulk finalization. The bulk finalized note will include the user, date, and timestamp.
  • Cosign: Adds a cosigner to the selected Encounter. The name of the logged-in user consigning the Encounter will appear in the Note Cosigned by field. If a Provider is attempting to cosign Encounters in bulk, the respective checkboxes for the Encounters must be selected to include them in the bulk cosign operation. Each Encounter included in the bulk operation will reflect that the Encounter was part of a bulk cosign. The bulk finalized note will include the user, date, and timestamp.
View optionsThe Provider viewing the list of Encounters can select the appropriate checkboxes to preview or include finalized Encounters when working with the Encounter list.
Lines/record drop-downThe Lines/record drop-down is used to show more lines of information in the Encounter List grid. The higher the number, the more lines are exposed. However, a setting of 0 displays the most information.
Encounter List gridThe Encounter List grid displays the list of Encounters according to the selections in numbers 2, 4, and 5 above.
7Pagination iconsThe pagination icons are used to move to pages within the selected window.
8Column selector
The column selector button displays a drop-down list of available columns to include or exclude from the Encounter List grid. Changes to the grid view can be retained by saving your preferences.
Version 20.17

This window map article points out some of the important aspects of the window you're working with in OP but is not intended to be instructional. To learn about topics related to using this window, see the Related Articles section at the bottom of this page.

About Clinical Work: Encounters

Path: Main Navigation Panel > Encounters

The Encounters window displays the Encounter Notes for visits that are not finalized by a Provider by a selected date range. 

Clinical Work: Encounters Map

1Encounters tabThe Encounters tab of the Clinical Work window. The count represents the number of open Encounters according to the Scope parameters set at the top. 
Scope, Date, and Confidential parameters
  • Scope radio buttons are used to determine whose open Encounters are displayed in the grid.  Users must have Messaging_Allow_View_All_Messages permission in their profile to see the Scope field.
  • Dates radio buttons are used to determine the open Encounters that are displayed in the grid.
  • The Include EFR checkbox can be selected to include confidential Encounters in the grid.
3Function buttons

The following function buttons are available in the Encounters tab of the Clinical Work window. To activate the buttons, one or more Encounter checkboxes must be selected.

  • Edit: opens the selected Encounter, where the Provider can make edits
  • Finalize: approves and locks the selected Encounter. Once the note has been finalized it cannot be changed. An addendum can be created, edited, and viewed in the Addenda tab to add information to the Encounter. The user approving the finalized note will appear in the Note Finalized by field of the Encounter. If a Provider is attempting to finalize Encounters in bulk, the respective checkboxes for the Encounters must be selected to include them in the bulk finalization. Each Encounter included in the bulk operation will reflect that the Encounter was part of bulk finalization. The bulk finalized note will include the user, date, and timestamp.
  • Cosign: adds a cosigner to the selected Encounter. The name of the logged-in user consigning the Encounter will appear in the Note Cosigned by field. If a Provider is attempting to cosign Encounters in bulk, the respective checkboxes for the Encounters must be selected to include them in the bulk cosign operation. Each Encounter included in the bulk operation will reflect that the Encounter was part of a bulk cosign. The bulk finalized note will include the user, date, and timestamp.
View optionsThe Provider viewing the list of Encounters can select the appropriate checkboxes to preview or include finalized Encounters when working with the Encounter list.
Lines/record drop-downThe Lines/record drop-down is used to show more lines of information in the Encounter List grid. The higher the number, the more lines are exposed. However, a setting of 0 displays the most information.
Column selectorThe column selector button displays a drop-down list of available columns to include or exclude from the Encounter List grid. Changes to the grid view can be retained by saving your preferences.
Encounter List gridThe Encounter List grid displays the list of Encounters according to the selections in numbers 2, 4, and 5 above.
8Pagination iconsThe pagination icons are used to move to pages within the selected window.