Scheduling Reports: Reimbursements Per Scheduled Visit

Version 21.3

When to Use this Report

Use this report to view the reimbursement values per scheduled visit, by Appointment Type.  

About Reimbursements Per Scheduled Visit

Path: Tools > Reporting > Scheduling Reports > Reimbursements Per Scheduled Visit

This report shows all transactions for a patient visit that are on the daysheet. The patient visit is defined as all transactions for the selected patient on the specified/given date.

Scheduling Reports: Reimbursements Per Scheduled Visit Map

Hover over each of the Summary Tiles, to see specific data. For instructions on how to drill down and expand that information from the Summary Tiles, please see the Drill Down section of the Data Element Tutorial.

Note: All columns in the Detailed Report section will show by default. To hide columns, see the Visualization section of the Maximized Elements article.

Filters and Summary Tiles


Section Description
Appointment Date Use this filter to select the date(s) you wish to search based on the date of the appointment.
See the Dates section of the Filter Tutorial article for the different selections. 
Appointment Type Use this filter to select the Appointment Types you wish to pull in this report.
Provider Use this filter to select a provider(s) associated appointments.
Location Use this filter to select the Location(s) of the appointments.
Total Patients The Total Patients tile shows the total number of patients pulled in this report based on the selected parameters. This is a distinct patient count pulled from the Patient column.
Charges The Charges tile shows the total amount of charges pulled in this report. This is pulled from the Total Charges column.
Total Collected The Total Collected Summary tile displays the total amount paid by the insurance carrier and the patient (adding the Insurance Paid summary tile and Patient Paid summary tile together).
Top 10 Appointments The Top Ten Appointments: Charges and Total Collected bar graph

Detailed Report


Section Description


Appointment Type The Appointment Type column lists the appointment type as set in OP. You can minimize the individual appointment types to refine the search.
# of Appointments This column lists the number of appointments for the specific appointment type based on the filters you added to this report.
Avg. Charges per Visit This column combines and takes and average of the Charges column for all of the appointments in that appointment type, based on the filters you added to this report.
Avg. Total Collected This column combines and takes and average of the Total Collected column for all of the appointments in that appointment type, based on the filters you added to this report.
Patient The Patient column displays the full name and patient ID of the patient associated with the appointment. You can minimize the patient to refine the search.
CPTThe CPT code column lists the medical code for the visit in the specific appointment and it's description.
ChargeThe Charges column displays the total charge for the service rendered for that particular patient for that appointment.
Patient PaidThe Patient Paid column displays the total amount paid by the patient.
Insurance PaidThe Insurance Paid column displays the amount paid by the insurance carrier.
Total Collected The Total Collected column displays the total amount collected by the Patient and the Insurance (total from Insurance Paid and Patient Paid column).
InsuranceThe name of the Insurance that was used for the patient on the selected appointment.
Rendering Provider The Rendering Provider column lists the name of the Provider who performed the appointment.
Location The Location column displays the location for the appointment. This is useful for practices that have multiple locations.
Appointment ID The Appointment ID column lists the unique numerical ID of the appointment in OP.