Sign or Annotate a Document

Version 20.16


In Document Management, patient Documents can be signed or annotated for various reasons, such as to indicate acknowledgment or to send a signed Document to another contributor to the patient's care via Direct Message or eFax, if enabled. Signatures and annotations can only be made to non-PDF Document Types, such as .TIFFs.

Sign a Document

  1. Navigate to the patient's Document.
  2. Click the Edit button. A toolbar is displayed at the bottom of the window.
  3. Click the Sign button. Your cursor is converted to a pen-like tool.
  4. Use your cursor to manually draw your signature on the Document. The signature is displayed as dotted lines until you release your cursor.
  5. (Optional) If you're not satisfied with the appearance of your signature, click the Undo buttonand repeat Step 4.
  6. Click the Save button to save the edited Document.
  7. If you signed the Document for the purpose of sending it to a party outside of OP, proceed with your normal workflow for creating a Direct or eFax Message.

Annotate a Document

  1. Navigate to the patient's Document.
  2. Click the Edit button. A toolbar is displayed at the bottom of the window.
  3. Click the Add annotation button.
  4. Using your cursor, draw a rectangular text box on the Document and release your cursor. The Annotation options are displayed.

  1. Proceed with your Annotation using the following options:
  • Properties: Gives you options to change the overall appearance of the Annotation, such as the background and outline color and style, the font, font size, and text justification.
  • Edit text: Opens the Annotation text-entry field where you'll enter the text of your annotation. Once your text is entered and you click OK, click into the Annotation box to populate your text. 
  • Cancel Annotation: Removes the Annotation box from the Document.
  • Apply on image: Applies the Annotation box to the Document thumbnail image.
  1. (Optional) If you're not satisfied with the appearance of your Annotation, click the Undo button and repeat Step 5 to start over.
  2. Click the Save button when finished.