How can I sort referrals with multiple scanned documents attached to show latest to oldest?

When reviewing the list of referrals for a patient, the Referrals/Trans tab will always display the date order from most recent to oldest. Below is instruction on how to change the order from the oldest to the most recent date.

  1. From the patient chart, click the Referrals/Trans tab.
  2. Click the Date column to change the sort order.

Note: Response to a Referral or a Tracking Entry cannot be sorted in the Referrals/Trans tab when attached to a referral.

To view scanned documents attached to a referral and change the date order, follow the instruction below.

  1. From the patient chart, click the Referrals/Trans tab.
  2. Click the Scanned Records tab.
  3. Click the Date column to change the sort order.