This report shows all active patients with any "F" category diagnosis of Mental, Behavioral, and Neurodevelopmental disorders.
A sample image of this SQL report run in the Database Viewer is shown below:
SQL Code: Firebird
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select a.* , fname, lname from ( select patno, max(dx_date) as last_dx_date, cast(list(distinct dxcode, ', ') as char(2000)) as dxes from dx_attach where dx_date >= cast('today' as date)-(365.25*5) and attach_table in ('ENC_NOTE','PHYSICAL') and dxcode_Type = 'ICD10' and dxcode like 'F%' and patno >99 group by patno) a inner join register on register.patno = a.patno where status_pat = 'ACTIVE'
To highlight and copy the code below to your clipboard, simply click the Copy button.
select a.* , fname, lname from ( select patno, max(dx_date) as last_dx_date, group_concat(distinct dxcode, ', ') as dxes from dx_attach where dx_date >= date_add(curdate(), interval -(365.25*5) day) and attach_table in ('ENC_NOTE','PHYSICAL') and dxcode_Type = 'ICD10' and dxcode like 'F%' and patno >99 group by patno) a inner join register on register.patno = a.patno where status_pat = 'ACTIVE'