This SQL shows all contacts attached to a patient's chart (contact 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc), the contact Name, Role, Authority, which contact (DENORM_NO), and Home and Work emails.
Contacts who are enumerated as #1 and #2 will be listed irrespective of their relationship to the patient. These may or may not be suitable to contact for your purposes! For example, a patient who is over 18 may have an emergency contact but it would not be appropriate to send information to the emergency contact. A child might have contact #1 = mother and contact #2 = grandfather for emergency purposes but only mother should be contacted about this particular child’s medical issues.
SQL Code
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select patno, (first_name || ' ' || last_name) as contact_name, contact_role, contact_authority, denorm_no, home_email, work_email from register inner join register_contact on register.patno = register_contact.patno inner join contact on contact.id = register_contact.contact_id where patno is not null and patno >= 99 and lname not in ( 'TESTPATIENT','TEST-PATIENT') and status_pat = 'ACTIVE' and contact_role not in ('PRIOR_PHONE', 'PRIOR_ADDR') order by patno