SQL: MU State Group 1 Individual


This SQL Code provides attestation results for states that were grouped into Group 1 in the MU: State Group SQL Table. The report is based on the provider's decision to provide individual attestation results.

Note: Export, save, and print all results for audit purposes at the time you run them for actual volume validation.

Export, save, and print all results for audit purposes at the time you run them for actual volume validation.

A sample image of this SQL report run in the Database Viewer is shown below:



To highlight and copy the code below to your clipboard, simply click the Copy button.

with t as
select staffname, count(uniqid) as encounters, det
select distinct uniqid, staff1.staffname, a.ins_carrier_code, a.ins_carrier_code_other, i1.claim_filing_code as c1, i2.claim_filing_code as c2, case when (i1.claim_filing_code = 'MC' or i2.claim_filing_code = 'MC') then 'Medicaid' else 'not Medicaid' end as det from
 select patno, rend_addr_id, date1, (patno || ' ' || date1) as uniqid, cptcode, at1.ins_carrier_code, at1.ins_carrier_code_other from archive_transactions at1
where at1.cptcode not in ('1','2','3','4') and pos not in (21,23)  and  at1.cptcode not in ('113','99999','P1001') and at1.ins_carrier_code not in ('XCLUDE') and
 at1.date1 between :attestation_start and ( :attestation_start + 89) and at1.archive_flag = 1 and patno >99

)  a

left outer join ins_carrier i1 on i1.ins_carrier_code = a.ins_carrier_code
left outer join ins_carrier i2 on i2.ins_carrier_code = a.ins_carrier_code_other
left outer join staff1 on staff1.staffid = a.rend_addr_id
group by staffname, det
order by staffname)

select distinct staffname, med_enc, non_med_enc, round(((med_enc / (non_med_enc + med_enc))*100),1) as medicaid_pct from t
left outer join (select encounters as Med_enc, staffname from t where det  = 'Medicaid') m on m.staffname = t.staffname
left outer join (select encounters as non_med_enc, staffname from t where det = 'not Medicaid') n on n.staffname = t.staffname
where staffname <> ''