SQL: Same Day Appointment Access

There are two versions of this SQL: Firebird and MySQL. The MySQL version only applies to clients who are have migrated to MySQL.. All other Practices should continue to use the Firebird version of this code. Click to expand and copy the code you need. If you are unsure which code to use, please check with your Practice Administrator.


This SQL is used to determine the time elapsed when the appointment was booked and when the appointment took place. For a given day you specify, it shows the date-time stamp of when the appointment was booked, the actual appointment date/time, and how much time elapsed.  It also shows the patient number (for crosschecks), the type of appointment, who they were booked with on the schedule, the initials of the staff member who made the appointment, and final diagnosis.

A sample image of this SQL report run in the Database Viewer is shown below:


  1. Only shows completed appointments  
  2. If an appointment was moved (as opposed to cancelled and  rebooked with a new appointment instance), it will show the time elapsed between the _original_ appointment scheduling time and the appointment, not when mom called back and said "Can I move that checkup back to next week?"
  3. The diagnoses are shown so you can help decide how good your triage is.  For example, you might wait someone wait 3 weeks for a "sick" appointment.  You'll want to know if the final diagnosis was "influenza" (not acceptable with 3 week wait) or "ADHD" (acceptable for 3 week wait).  
  4. Checkups may have long "wait times" if you do the right thing and schedule, e.g. the 4 month EPSDT when they leave the office after the 2 month EPSDT.  That's why it's broken out by types of appointments.  
  5. It is helpful to see the "scheduled by" initials to look for patterns to see if certain staff members were having difficulty adhering to our schedule guidelines.

SQL Code: Firebird

To highlight and copy the code below to your clipboard, simply click the Copy button.

select appt_made_date_time, appt_date_time, case when elapsed_days >=1 and elapsed_days <=9 then (elapsed_days || ' days') when elapsed_days >9 then (elapsed_weeks || ' weeks') 
when elapsed_days<1 and elapsed_hours>=1 then (elapsed_hours || ' hours') when elapsed_hours <1 then (elapsed_minutes || ' minutes')

 end as elapsed, patno, code1, staffname, loc_name, scheduled_by,d1,d2,d3,d4
from (
select time_scheduled as appt_made_date_time, my_appt_time as appt_date_time,  round(elapsed_time,2) as elapsed_days, round( elapsed_time*24,2) as elapsed_hours, round(elapsed_time*24*60,2) as elapsed_minutes, round(elapsed_time/7,2) as elapsed_weeks, patno, code1, staffname,  scheduled_by, d1,d2,d3,d4, loc_id
from (
select d.*, ( my_appt_time - time_scheduled) as elapsed_time
from (
select c.*, cast(new_date || ' ' || adj_hr || ':' || mn as timestamp) as time_scheduled
select b.*, (mo || '/' || dy || '/20' || yr) as new_date, case when (ampm = 'P' or ampm = 'PM') and hr<12 then round(12+hr,0) else hr end as adj_hr
select a.*, substring(scheduled_when from 1 for 2) as mo, substring(scheduled_when from 3 for 2) as dy, substring(scheduled_when from 5 for 2) as yr, substring(scheduled_when from 8 for 2) as hr, substring(scheduled_when from 11 for 2) as mn, substring(scheduled_when from 13 for 2) as ampm from
SELECT DISTINCT SCHEDULE_1.appt_date ,schedule_1.patno, dateadd(minute,start_time,appt_date) as my_appt_time, schedule_1.name1, schedule_1.loc_id,
                SCHEDULE_1.ARRIVALTIME,( arrivaltime - dateadd(minute,start_time,appt_date))*24 as elapsed,
                d1, d2,d3,d4, substring(name1 from 1 for position('[' in schedule_1.name1)-1) as scheduled_by,  substring(name1 from position(']' in schedule_1.name1)+1 for 20) as scheduled_when
left outer join
(select patno, date1, max(dxname1) as d1,max(dxname2) as d2,max(dxname3) as d3,max(dxname4) as d4 from archive_transactions where dxname1 is not null group by patno, date1) at1 on (at1.PATNO = SCHEDULE_1.PATNO) and at1.date1 = schedule_1.appt_date
   inner join staff1 on staff1.staffid = schedule_1.addr_id
       AND ( SCHEDULE_1.PATNO <> 0 )
       AND ( at1.DATE1 = :my_date )

and visit_status = 'Completed'
) a  )b ) c  )d
)e ) f
inner join location on location.id = f.loc_id


To highlight and copy the code below to your clipboard, simply click the Copy button.

select appt_made_date_time, appt_date_time, case when elapsed_days >=1 and elapsed_days <=9 then (elapsed_days || ' days') when elapsed_days >9 then (elapsed_weeks || ' weeks') 
when elapsed_days<1 and elapsed_hours>=1 then (elapsed_hours || ' hours') when elapsed_hours <1 then (elapsed_minutes || ' minutes')
 end as elapsed, patno, code1, staffname, scheduled_by, d1,d2,d3,d4
from (
select time_scheduled as appt_made_date_time, my_appt_time as appt_date_time,elapsed_days,elapsed_hours,elapsed_minutes,  elapsed_weeks, patno, code1, staffname,  scheduled_by, d1,d2,d3,d4
from (
select d.*,  timestampdiff(minute,time_scheduled, my_appt_time) as elapsed_minutes,  timestampdiff(hour,time_scheduled, my_appt_time) as elapsed_hours,  timestampdiff(day,time_scheduled, my_appt_time) as elapsed_days,
 timestampdiff(week,time_scheduled, my_appt_time) as elapsed_weeks
from (
select c.*, cast((new_date || ' ' || adj_hr || ':' || mn || ':00' ) as datetime) as time_scheduled
select b.*, ('20' || yr || '-' || mo || '-' || dy ) as new_date, case when (ampm = 'P' or ampm = 'PM') and hr<12 then round(12+hr,0) else hr end as adj_hr
select a.*, cast(scheduled_when as datetime) as dt, substring(scheduled_when from 1 for 2) as mo, 
substring(scheduled_when from 3 for 2) as dy, substring(scheduled_when from 5 for 2) as yr, substring(scheduled_when from 8 for 2) as hr, substring(scheduled_when from 11 for 2) as mn, 
substring(scheduled_when from 13 for 2) as ampm from
SELECT DISTINCT SCHEDULE_1.appt_date ,schedule_1.patno, date_add(appt_date,interval start_time minute) as my_appt_time, schedule_1.name1,
                d1, d2,d3,d4, substring(name1 from 1 for position('[' in schedule_1.name1)-1) as scheduled_by,  substring(name1 from position(']' in schedule_1.name1)+1 for 20) as scheduled_when
left outer join
(select patno, date1, max(dxname1) as d1,max(dxname2) as d2,max(dxname3) as d3,max(dxname4) as d4 from archive_transactions where dxname1 is not null group by patno, date1) at1 
on (at1.PATNO = SCHEDULE_1.PATNO) and at1.date1 = schedule_1.appt_date
   inner join staff1 on staff1.staffid = schedule_1.addr_id
WHERE ( SCHEDULE_1.APPT_DATE = :ref_date )
       AND ( SCHEDULE_1.PATNO <> 0 )
       AND ( at1.DATE1 = :ref_date )
and visit_status = 'Completed'
) a  )b ) c  )d ) e ) f