SQL: Visits Since Last Checkup

There are two versions of this SQL: Firebird and MySQL. The MySQL version only applies to clients who are have migrated to MySQL.. All other Practices should continue to use the Firebird version of this code. Click to expand and copy the code you need. If you are unsure which code to use, please check with your Practice Administrator.


This report indicates how many patient visits if any, active patients have had since their last checkup.

A sample image of this SQL report run in the Database Viewer is shown below:


  • The “last WCC” date is the most recent date a well visit note was entered in OP.  It is blank if the child has never had a checkup documented as an OP visit note.
  • The “visits since last checkup” is computed as the number of distinct dates on which any billed service has been provided to the patient after the “last WCC” date.
  • If the child’s “last WCC” date is blank, the number will include all billed dates of service.
  • Note that not all “billed services” may constitute an actual visit. Example: your practice bills for non-service charges like no-show fees, medical records, and so on.
  • A value of 0 means that the child has had no billed services on any date since his/her last WCC date.

SQL Code: Firebird

To highlight and copy the code below to your clipboard, simply click the Copy button.

with wcc as
select patno, max(date1) as last_pe from physical inner join register on register.patno= physical.patno where status_pat = 'ACTIVE' group by patno),
previous_visits_for_seen as 

select patno, count(n) as visits_since from
select distinct at1.patno, last_pe, at1.date1 as n from archive_transactions at1
inner join register on register.patno = at1.patno
left outer join wcc on wcc.patno = at1.patno
where at1.cptcode not in ('1','2','3','4') and at1.archive_flag = 1 and at1.date1 > last_pe
and register.status_pat = 'ACTIVE'
order by patno) group by patno
), prev_all as
select patno, count(n) as visits_all from
select distinct at1.patno, last_pe, at1.date1 as n from archive_transactions at1
inner join register on register.patno = at1.patno
left outer join wcc on wcc.patno = at1.patno
where at1.cptcode not in ('1','2','3','4') and at1.archive_flag = 1 
and register.status_pat = 'ACTIVE'
order by patno) group by patno

select patno, last_pe as last_wcc,  case when last_pe is null then visits_all else v end as visits_since_last_checkup from
select register.patno, last_pe, coalesce(visits_since,0) as v, visits_all from register
left outer join wcc on wcc.patno = register.patno
left outer join previous_visits_for_seen on previous_visits_for_seen.patno = register.patno
left outer join prev_all on prev_all.patno = register.patno
 where register.status_pat = 'ACTIVE' and lname not in ('TESTPATIENT') and patno >99


To highlight and copy the code below to your clipboard, simply click the Copy button.

select patno,cast( last_pe as date) as last_wcc,  case when last_pe is null then visits_all else v end as visits_since_last_checkup from
select register.patno, last_pe, coalesce(visits_since,0) as v, visits_all from register
left outer join (
select physical.patno, max(date1) as last_pe from physical inner join register on register.patno= physical.patno where status_pat = 'ACTIVE' group by patno) wcc on wcc.patno = register.patno
left outer join (

select patno, count(n) as visits_since from
select distinct at1.patno, last_pe, at1.date1 as n from archive_transactions at1
inner join register on register.patno = at1.patno
left outer join (
select physical.patno, max(date1) as last_pe from physical inner join register on register.patno= physical.patno where status_pat = 'ACTIVE' group by patno) wcc on wcc.patno = at1.patno
where at1.cptcode not in ('1','2','3','4') and at1.archive_flag = 1 and at1.date1 > last_pe
and register.status_pat = 'ACTIVE'
order by patno) t3 group by patno
) previous_visits_for_seen on previous_visits_for_seen.patno = register.patno
left outer join (
select patno, count(n) as visits_all from
select distinct at1.patno, last_pe, at1.date1 as n from archive_transactions at1
inner join register on register.patno = at1.patno
left outer join (
select physical.patno, max(date1) as last_pe from physical inner join register on register.patno= physical.patno where status_pat = 'ACTIVE' group by patno) wcc on wcc.patno = at1.patno
where at1.cptcode not in ('1','2','3','4') and at1.archive_flag = 1
and register.status_pat = 'ACTIVE'
order by patno) t2 group by patno
) prev_all on prev_all.patno = register.patno
 where register.status_pat = 'ACTIVE' and lname not in ('TESTPATIENT')  and register.patno >99
) t1