The $ED Record

Version 21.3

The $ED Record is a necessary component in e-billing. The $ED record is required for electronic 837 claims files to successfully pass to your clearinghouse.

This record MUST be displayed in both the address book and the staff provider directory.

In the case that someone at the office needs to be contacted regarding electronic claims submission, the $ED record needs to be in place as a staff member in the Staff Provider directory. At a minimum, the practice should include a phone number, a fax number, and an email address. It is OK, and in fact expected, that this email address belongs to a specific person at your practice, e.g. your billing manager.

WarningDeleting this record will cause your transmissions to fail.

Staff/Provider Directory
Version 14.19

The $ED Record is a necessary component in e-billing. The $ED record is required for electronic 837 claims files to successfully pass to your clearinghouse.

This record MUST be displayed in both the address book and the staff provider directory.

In the case that someone at the office needs to be contacted regarding electronic claims submission, the $ED record needs to be in place as a staff member in the Staff Provider directory.  In most cases, there will be a duplicate staff member in the directory, however the distinction between the duplicate record will be the initials of the staff member.  As seen in the screen shot below "Doctor Test" is listed on the directory two times.  The difference is that "Doctor Test's" initials are "DRT" and "$ED". 

WarningDeleting this record will cause your transmissions to fail.

Staff Provider Directory