Version 14.19
Unposting or unconverting a superbill gives you the opportunity to revert a claim to its unconverted charge state. This is most commonly done if a claim that was not ready for billing was converted in error, or if a claim correction requires a change that would alter to total charge amount for the claim. Below you'll learn how to:
Step 1: Locate and Unpost the Charges or Claim
- Navigate to the Patient Chart: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button.
- If necessary, search for and select the patient.
- In the Navigation Panel, click Claims if the claim was daysheeted or Charges if the charges are still current (not daysheeted).
- Proceed through one of the following sets of steps depending on where you are in the chart:
- From Claims:
- Select the claim and click the Void button.
- Confirm you want to void the transaction.
- From Charges:
- Select the charge in the Current (Posted) Charges/Payments section of the window.
- Click the Delete button for each charge line or click Delete All if there are no other transactions, such as payments or other posted charges in the Current (Posted) Charges/Payments section of the window.
- If not already there, click Charges in the Chart Navigation Panel.
- Select the Show recently converted superbills checkbox. All superbill charges for dates of service within the past 365 days are displayed in the Superbill (Unposted) Charges grid with their appropriate Stage.
Step 2: Repost the Charges
- In the Superbill (Posted) Charges section of the window, locate the superbill.
- Change the stage from Converted to Ready if the charges are ready to be reconverted. If there are multiple charges, changing the stage for one of the charges will update the rest of the charges for that date to the new Stage you select.
- If Ready is selected as the new Stage, proceed with posting the superbill. Move on to Step 3 below if you unposted the superbill to send a corrected claim to an insurance payer.
Note: If a stage other than Ready is selected and you attempt to post the superbill, a dialog box will be displayed stating there are no Ready charges. Click OK to continue converting the superbill or Cancel to return to the patient account. |
Step 3: Resubmit (only if the unposting was done to correct a previously submitted claim)
If you followed the above workflow for the purpose of sending a corrected claim to an insurance payer, you'll need to complete the following workflow to mark the claim as corrected so that it is not denied as a duplicate. You'll need the payer's original claim number (not the OP claim number), which can be obtained from the payer's EOB, ERA, or website.
- In the Add/Edit Charges window, click the Other Items (1-27) tab.
- In the Item 22: Medicaid resubmit code field, enter 7.
- In the original reference/transaction # field, enter the payer's original claim number.
- Repeat 2 and 3 above for all charge lines.
- Click Save + Queue or Save, depending on your normal charge posting workflow.
Version 14.10
At times, it may be necessary to unpost a superbill that was converted in error. This can be done from the patient's account.
- Navigate to the patient's account.
- Click the Charges tab. The posted superbill will appear in the Current (Posted) Charges / Payments section of the window.
- Select the charges that were posted in error.
- Click the Delete transaction button .
Note: If multiple lines need to be deleted, hold the Shift key on your keyboard and select each line prior to clicking the Delete transaction button. The Delete All Transactions button can be used to delete all Current (Posted) Charges/Payments regardless of what is selected. |
- Select the show recently converted superbills checkbox.
- Locate the superbill that was converted in error in the Superbill (Posted) Charges section of the window.
- Change the stage from Converted to Ready (or whatever stage is appropriate).
Note: If a stage other than 'Ready' is selected and you attempt to post the superbill, you will receieve a confirm box stating there are no Ready charges.
- If Ready is selected as the new stage, you may proceed with posting the superbill.