Update Custom Texts in the OP Portal

Welcome Email

To update the Welcome email:

  1. From the navigation menu on the left, click Settings Custom Texts.
  2. Click the Group drop-down and select Messages.
  3. Select the section you want to update.

  1. Update the text.
  2. Click Save.

Email Disclaimer

Follow these steps to edit the email disclaimer:

  1. From the navigation menu on the left, select Settings > Custom Texts.
  2. Click on the Group drop-down and select Legal Disclaimers.
  3. Click on Email Disclaimer, select the language in which the Email Disclaimer will be edited.
  4. Update the text.
  5. Click Save.

Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy

Follow these steps to edit the Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy:

  1. From the navigation menu on the left, select Settings.
  2. Click Custom Texts.
  3. Click on the dropdown field Group and click on Legal Disclaimers.
  4. Click on Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy.
  5. Select the language in which the document will be edited.
  6. Update the text.
  7. Click Save.

Update Warnings

Warning banners are available throughout the portal to allow the practice to convey information to the portal user. They can be used for one time communication (e.g. The clinic is closed due to inclement weather), seasonal greetings, marketing (It’s time for sports physicals and back to school vaccines) or communication regarding expectations and office policies (e.g. Turnaround time for messages is 24 hours, For urgent problems, call 911 or go to the nearest ER, etc.).

  1. From the navigation menu on the left, select Settings.
  2. Click Custom Texts.
  3. Click on the dropdown field Group* and click on Warnings.
  4. Click on the text you want to update.
  5. Click “English” or “Spanish” (depending on the notification language that applies)
  6. Write the message in the text box.
  7. Select the Info Level button to change the color and type of notification:
    • Alert is red
    • Warning is orange
    • Informational is blue
  8. Check the Enabled box.
  9. Click on Save.