VacLogic+ Release Updates: Version 1.4

VacLogic+ Maintenance Release 1.4.0 | All Practices: August 7, 2024

Forecasting Revisions

Based on FDA / CDC guidelines, this version of VacLogic+ forecasting has been revised to accurately reflect the following recommendations:

2024-25 Flu Season

  • Updated VacLogic+ forecasting for the 2024-25 flu season. 
  • To account for a new flu product, Flucelvax Trivalent, a newly released CVX code (320) was added into VacLogic+ forecasting.

Issue Resolutions

  • Fixed an issue in the vaccine constraint logic to provide a warning when a user attempts to order a DTaP-IPV vaccine (Kinrix) for a patient under 4 or over 7 years old. Previously, the error would pop up if a patient was older than 6 years or if Vaxelis was administered. Now, the popup will only trigger for Kinrix when patients turn 7 years old. The other logic, listed below, remains unchanged:

    • Patient is between 4 and 6 years old
    • Patient has had 4 doses of DTaP or DTaP+
    • Patient has had no previous doses of DTaP-IPV
    • Patient has had 3 or more doses of IPV
    • Both DTaP and IPV are due or behind

    A pop-up alert will display if one or more of the above conditions are not met. Additionally, the chosen patient's status regarding each of the conditions will be displayed in the alert.

  • Fixed an issue where if a MenACWY vaccine was documented as being refused, then OP automatically also marked the MenB vaccine as refused as well. These are separate vaccines and refusal / deferral will now function as such for each individually. Each vaccine will need its own separate documentation.
  • Fixed an issue where previously, if a vaccine was deferred, it would not show on the patient’s immunization forecast tab of the chart. This could lead to a potential patient safety concern if that vaccine was subsequently ordered and administered. Now, if a vaccine is deferred, that text will be displayed on the forecast tab, just like if it was refused. Additionally, if a provider attempts to order a vaccine that has been marked as refused or deferred, a popup warning will be displayed and the user will need to remove the refusal / deferral to proceed.
  • Fixed an issue where if a vaccine series was complete according to guidelines, and a user subsequently entered in a vaccine deferral, then the immunization tab in the chart would have the deferred text. Now, the vaccine in question will have the SC text to indicate the series is complete.