Why are there badges displayed under the clinical group on the main navigation panel?

In the Clinical group on the main navigation panel, blue badges are a visual indication of outstanding clinical items that need attention by the logged-in user. 

  • Encounters: Unfinalized Encounter notes needing to be finalized. 
  • Well Visits: Unfinalized Well Visit notes needing to be finalized. 
  • Received: Received Diagnostic Tests needing review. 
  • Reviewed: Reviewed Diagnostic Tests. 
  • Referrals: Referrals past their flagged date. 
  • Documents: Documents and Scans needing review. 
  • Surveys: Administered Surveys needing review. 
  • e-Prescribing: Prescriptions needing review/attention. 
  • Refill Requests: Unprocessed refill requests needing to be processed.