Why can’t I choose more than one Encounter or Well Visit in Medical Records to create a C-CDA?

WarningThis information is intended only for clients who are using the InteliChart portal.

There are limitations with the API call that OP makes to build the C-CDA through Intelichart. This API call is dependent upon getting an Encounter by date or by date range. It cannot create one C-CDA for two different dates. Here are some options: 

  • If the Encounters or Well Visits dates are consecutive you can use the date range fields at the top of the window to input the dates. Do not select anything within the grid, then click the CDA button. This will create one CDA for the encounters within the date range you selected. 
    • Example: You want to choose encounters from 3/15/19 and 4/1/19. There are no other Encounters or Well Visits within that time frame, so these dates can be entered as the date range within Medical Records to create a C-CDA with both visits.
  • If the Encounters or Well Visits you want to select are not consecutive, then you will need to create separate C-CDAs. 
    • Example: A patient has a total of 4 encounters. The dates are 3/15/19, 4/1/19, 5/3/19, and 7/6/19. Only 3 of them are wanted for the C-CDA. To do this, one C-CDA can be created using the date range of: 3/15/19-4/1/19 and another C-CDA can be created for for 7/6/19.